Conflict Management & Labor Disputes


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Managing conflict and workplace disputes is essential for the success of any organization. In the modern work environment, conflicts and tensions between individuals and work teams are inevitable. Hence, the importance of providing a training course that focuses on conflict and dispute management in the workplace.

This training course aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to understand conflicts and disputes in the context of work and how to effectively and constructively deal with them. Participants will learn about the causes and sources of conflicts and disputes, their impact on individuals and work teams, and acquire tools and techniques for constructive conflict resolution and negotiation. Additionally, they will develop effective listening skills and the ability to express opinions constructively


  • Participants will gain an overall understanding of the concept of conflict and dispute in the workplace.
  • Participants will acquire a comprehensive understanding of the causes and sources of conflicts and disputes in the work environment.
  • Participants will learn about the impact of conflicts and disputes on individuals and work teams.
  • Participants will acquire effective methods for resolving conflicts in the workplace.
  • Participants will learn to apply conflict resolution and negotiation techniques in the work context.

course outline

  • The concept of conflict and dispute in the work context.
  • Causes and sources of conflicts and disputes in the work environment.
  • The impact of conflicts and disputes on individuals and work teams.
  • Effective methods for resolving conflicts in the workplace.
  • Applying conflict resolution and negotiation techniques in the work context.
  • Developing effective listening skills and expressing opinions constructively.

 who is this course for

  • Human Resources management employees.
  • Executive managers, supervisors, and frontline business leaders.
  • Employees and professionals seeking to develop their skills in conflict management and resolution.
  • Individuals who want to become more confident in dealing with conflicts.

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